November is the theme month for family movement – let’s get moving together!

The concept Finland – a country and people with an active lifestyle highlights family movement in November! We will publish information, news, and blogs on the topic on our website. At the same time, we challenge everyone to make pledges to promote family activity.
All movement together is beneficial and fits perfectly with this month’s theme! Join us in raising awareness about the importance of family activity and use our shared hashtags.
#LupausSuomelle #LiikkuvaPerhe #PerheliikunnanTeemaviikko
#LöftetillFinland #FamiljenIRörelse #TemaveckanFörFamiljeniRörelse
#LupausSuomelle #FamiliesOnTheMove
Family activity brings families together and creates opportunities for shared experiences, regardless of age
Family movement gives every family member the chance to shine and feel a sense of belonging! It not only strengthens family bonds but also reduces loneliness. When we move together, we share moments that bring us closer to one another.
Family activity also includes physical activities for older children, parents, and grandparents. For some, an important family member might even be a close friend.
Family Activity Theme Week on social media
The Liikkujan polku network organizes a Family Activity Theme Week from November 4–10, 2024. The slogan for the week is “Moving together gives the chance to shine.” The goal is to encourage every family member to move and shine with their own skills while being inspired by movement and good company in the autumn darkness.
Moving together can be anything: baby swimming, teens playing golf, a forest hike, or a family day organized by a club. The most important thing is enjoying the joy of movement and togetherness.
Children’s Rights Week: the right to learn
During Children’s Rights Week, we highlight every child’s right to learn to move. We focus particularly on how learning movement skills supports children’s right to well-being.
Moving together creates a safe environment where children can learn new skills, build confidence, and experience the joy of movement. Join us and use our hashtags:
#LupausSuomelle #LiikkuvaPerhe #SaanOppia #SaatOppia
#LöftetillFinland #FamiljenIRörelse #JagFårLäraMig, #DuFårLäraDig
join us and make your promise to finland #LupausSuomelle #LöftetillFinland
You can follow others’ pledges and promises on the homepage of our website.
Our shared theme logo is available in the materials bank..
Materials for the campaign week, held November 4–10, 2024, can be found here.
Photo: Satu-Maria Ruotsalainen, Suomen Latu/Liikkuva Perhe
The theme month is carried out in collaboration with Liikkuva perhe and the family activity theme group of the Liikkujan polku network.